Guest Spotlight: Orie Snider

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Meet Orie! He's a Pilates regular & constant source of joy around the studio. Learn more about him below :)

What inspires you to practice at Flow?

The people around me. The community here is full of fun, talented, caring people, and that just makes coming here a great part of my daily routine.

Tell us about your current practice including some of your favorite classes & teachers?

I’m taking a lot of Flow Fit, Pilates, and Flow Fusion lately. Cara, Claire and Juliet are helping me learn more about my body and how to grow stronger with grace.

Why is your yoga practice important to you?

Yoga gives me the peace and stability to handle the chaotic parts of my life that are present and out of my control.

What are some things you love about DC living?

I’m a big into finding new restaurants, especially on the Hill—Sally’s Middle Name is my new favorite.

What is something the Flow community may not know about you?

I grew up working in a bakery, so I make a lot of cookies.