Teacher Spotlight: Elyse DiBartolo

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Meet Elyse! A teacher AND student at Flow, she can be found in Rocket classes around the studio. Read on to learn more about her :)

What inspires you to practice at Flow?

The Rocket community keeps me coming back to Flow. I've met some amazing yogis that have turned into my family here in DC. Especially from my teacher training group led by Jonathan.

Tell us about your current practice including some of your favorite classes & teachers?

What got me hooked on yoga was Jonathan Ewing's Rocket Yoga class. I came from an athletic background so I naturally loved the challenge and sequence for Rocket. After I found Rocket, I shortly started practicing Ashtanga under Michael Joel Hall. I also love to drop in on Gail's Ashtanga class. If I had to choose one class Rocket 3 and brunch on Sundays is something I love to do every week.

Why is your yoga practice important to you?

I value a healthy lifestyle, staying fit, and having a strong group of friends. Yoga has brought me all three.

What are some things you love about DC living?

I love all the good coffee spots close to Flow, endless brunch options on 14th street, post-yoga dinner Wednesday at Commissary, walking distance to my friends, and inspirational people.

What is something the Flow community may not know about you?

During the day I work on launching PBS TV shows on digital platforms. I'm a middle child. I grew up on the Jersey Shore. Skiing is probably tied with yoga for being my favorite activity. I was always the nonflexible dancer growing up.