Karma Yogi Spotlight: Krista McAra


Meet Krista! A longtime Karma Yogi, you can find her often in a handstand during Rocket class. Learn more about Krista below :)

What inspires you to practice at Flow?

The people-- there are so many beautiful human beings I've met through being a karma yogi at flow. I am incredibly lucky to be surrounded by such a wonderful community of yogis.

Tell us about your current practice including some of your favorite classes & teachers?

My current practice includes vinyasa, ashtanga, and rocket. I hurt my hamstring about a year ago and since then alignment has become very important in my practice. I find it interesting that one small adjustment can change the entire posture.

Why is your yoga practice important to you?

Yoga helps me flex my mind and my body. It has taught me so much about myself, good and bad. It is important to me because it reminds me of what is really important.

What are some things you love about DC living?

You don't need a car. I love being able to hop on my bike and get almost anywhere I need.

What is something the Flow community may not know about you?

I was in the Peace Corps.