Staff Spotlight: Pia Economou


Meet February's manager of the month - Pia! <333

Read more about Pia below and be sure to say hi to her next time you see her managing or teaching at the studio!

"What inspires you to practice at Flow?

The instructors and the communal practice space

What was your first yoga experience like?

At a dance studio in Dupont circle Joy of Motion. The instructor was a boss lady! My first class I witnessed a female student do full arm balance in the middle of the room and was so inspired by her strength.

What would your perfect DC day look like?

Chill morning, long home yoga practice, walk around my neighborhood park, ramen for lunch and back at my patio for sunset.

What are some of your current favorite asanas and why?

triangle pose- has always been my favorite. keeps my back healthy
down dog- the OG of postures/my home base
pyramid pose-i get to feel my legs
headstand- each day is so different and it brings different things up each time i practice it

Do you like to listen to music when practicing? If so, what are some of your favorite songs to hear in class?

Sometimes I like the silence. Otherwise DJ Drez, or reggae/disco inspired beats and definitely Krishna Das."