The Ritual of a Daily Practice

“……And, by participating in the ritual, you are participating in the myth…. a projection of the depth wisdom of the psyche, by participating in a ritual, participating in the myth, you are being, as it were, put in accord with that wisdom, which is the wisdom that is inherent within you. Your consciousness is being re-minded of the wisdom of your own life. I think ritual is terribly important.”  ― Joseph Campbell


Dedicate yourself to creating the shifts you desire by committing to a ritual of daily practice.

Living in a city like ours, it’s increasingly familiar to feel overwhelmed and hurried. A daily ritual of an embodied practice like yoga, especially within a supportive community offers a true refuge to recharge your spirits and renew & balance your energy and emotions.

Last year over 200 of you participated in our 30 Day Challenge and this year we begin on January 2nd. If you love the benefits you already notice from an occasional practice, imagine what consistency will bring.

We hope you will join us — and let us help you make that happen!

We’ll start the challenge with an optional in person kick off meeting where we’ll gather together set our intentions, create a plan, and envision the next 30 days and beyond. Challenge participants will get in studio and online support, a daily tracker, lots of gold stars to mark your progress and be part of a community of support & encouragement to hold you accountable so all you have to do is show up!

Inspired, Calm, Strong and Ready. Join us for 30 days of magic!

Here’s what this years challengers are saying when asked why they’re joining:

I did the challenge last year and absolutely loved how my body and mind felt after the 30 days. I've been looking forward to rebooting my practice and this is the best way I know how to do it!

I love the flow challenge!

To decrease injury and fight gravity (and win!)

To get back into a habit of practicing and to set myself up for success in the new year!

At this point, it's a January tradition!

Looking to start 2019 off right with intention, purpose, and clarity.

To help re-commit to yoga in the new year!

For a good start to a new year!

Start the year on the right foot!

To rebuild with healthy techniques.

To stay connected with and support my community at Flow!

To hold myself accountable and refocus on self care in 2019!

I did it last year and had a lot of fun!

I try and do this every year, it helps to keep me on the right path of maintaining a regular practice.

I'm planning to participate in the yoga teacher training at Flow, and have several milestones to complete this coming year, so I'd love to set my intentions right from the beginning!

I want to dedicate myself more to my practice and this is a great way to start!

I want to focus on prioritizing on making time for myself by practicing yoga more frequently and becoming more mindful.

It really helps get through January which is otherwise pretty depressing.

To start the new year on the right and positive footing! :)

To restore balance