Guest Spotlight: Christine Tran


Meet Christine! She is a dedicated Flowgi and a joyful presence around the studio. Read on to learn about her current practice and her first yoga experience.

What is your current practice like and how does it fit into your daily routine?

I have a dedicated home practice on the mat every morning that links the subtle and physical practices including Bhakti (devotional) yoga, functional and meditative movements, restorative yoga, qi gong and reiki. Each day may look different and the length of time varies from 5 min to 60 min. or longer depending on what I need when I wake up and my schedule for the day. Some mornings are harder to focus and stay present, but I never walk out the door without some kind of grounding, centering, clearing, and connecting with the universe and universal life force. It can be as simple as chanting mantras and a couple of qigong movements. I also attend at least 2 classes/week at Flow Yoga with my favorite teachers.

What inspires you to practice at Flow?

The incredible, caring, and inspiring teachers, who I practice with at Flow Yoga Center - Alicia, Aqeel, Brittanie, Sam, Clare, and Cory. The new friends I've made from the Flow Yoga community, who share the practice, receptivity, curiosity, and exploration of yoga in the classroom and outside of the classroom. It's a place that holds space for me and others no matter what is happening in the world and in our lives. The teachings are always relevant, at a deeper and often subtle level. The community inspires and helps me grow personally and spiritually. I always feel more alive, present, stronger, and connected after walking out of Flow Yoga.

What was your first yoga experience like?

My first experience is the complete opposite of how I feel about yoga now. A friend talked me into trying a class when I was traveling in Costa Rica. I didn't know what I was walking into, but was curious enough to try it. The entire class felt like I was lost in a dance choreography. The teacher was kind but didn't spend any time to guide beginners like myself. I didn't understand the practice or what we were doing. It wasn't my fondest memory of yoga, but looking back now it did teach me to be present because that was the only way I could make it through the class. It couldn't have been that bad because I'm still practicing more than a decade later and loving it!

Who are some of your most influential teachers?

My most influential teachers are Dharma Mittra and teachers who have studied under Dharma - Alicia Moyer, Brittanie DeChino, Aqeel Yaseen, and Hannah Allerdice. My Yoga Therapy and Reiki teachers and my parents who taught me by example of what I was taught as the core principle of yoga - Ahimsa or compassion/non-harming and karma yoga aka selfless service. They all have been a part of my spiritual growth and understanding of what it means to be here in this lifetime.

What is something the Flow community may not know about you?

This question took me back to my fondest memories of elementary school. I spent every recess playing my favorite game of double dutch, jumping and singing rhymes to the game. I can still remember the familiar jumps, turns, and tricks in my body after all these years. I remember very distinctly how every time I overthink or try too hard, my feet would catch the ropes. As soon as I let go of the fear of getting hit by the ropes, I caught onto the rhythm and moved along with the turning of the ropes. It was probably one of the first times that I can remember experiencing surrendering and being present in the midst of movement. Double dutch may be my "first" experience of yoga. This inspires me to get back to playing double dutch!

Anything else you would like to share?

I'm so grateful to be a part of the Flow Yoga community. Taking classes and practicing next to friends at Flow Yoga is a highlight of my week and is what I do for self-care. I prioritize and plan my schedule around my favorite classes. Thank you!