Calming Breath You Can Do Any Time

Calming Breath You Can Do Any Time

Try this 30-second calming breath whenever you need to feel more relaxed.

You can practice this breath anywhere, anytime - seated, standing, or reclined - whenever you need a moment for yourself to find some peace and calm.

To practice, first, take a moment to notice whatever is supporting your body right now. It could be the flooring underneath your feet, your yoga mat resting on the floor, the chair you're sitting on…. Now see if you can find length in your spine and gently close your eyes, or soften your gaze. Observe your breath exactly how it is right now, without trying to change it.

Thinking About Teacher Training? Here's 7 Tips To Help You Decide

Thinking About Teacher Training? Here's 7 Tips To Help You Decide

The number of people practicing yoga each year continues to grow and the need for yoga teachers is still going strong including opportunities outside of the traditional yoga studio space. Hospitals, schools, companies & municipalities are all expanding to include yoga as a resource for their communities as a helpful tool for wellbeing.

If you’ve been considering yoga teacher training and you’re trying to figure how how to choose the best program for you - we’ve created this list that will help you decide. And while this list highlights some strengths of Flow’s own program, you’ll also find it as a helpful resource to consult for any program you may be looking at!

Over 50 Live Streamed Classes Each Week To Choose From

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Nothing beats the physical yoga studio, but Flow’s online offerings come very close. If you are missing the human contact and community, and looking for a way to reconnect to that sense of peace in body, mind, and soul, Flow is that place.”
— Tommy B.

While our physical space may be (temporarily) closed, we’re more dedicated than ever before to support your wellbeing through this incredibly challenging time. So if you’re feeling stress & discomfort, or need a break to move your body and bring peace to your mind imagine how much better you’ll feel knowing you have all the yoga, fitness and self-care practices, led by your favorite teachers, all in one place. We’re so glad you’re here!

Each week thousands join our curated classes guided by the most caring & talented teaching team, Choose from our huge Livestream schedule or growing (free!) on-demand video library filled with essential practices that you can turn to any time. We’re also hosting virtual community gatherings, check-ins, supportive coaching & community meditations.