Reboot ◈ Balance ◈ Discover ◈ Transform

Ready for a Reboot? Join the Flow Challenge!
Exercise, meditate and eat healthily for 30 days

October 14 - November 13

In one 30 day period we provide you with incredible support and expertise in helping you achieve your nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness goals... to be the healthy, balanced version of yourself that you know is possible. This Challenge is accessible to EVERYONE and will help you to:

Feel more energized and present

Get in great shape

Start or deepen a meditation practice

Create supportive habits that "stick"

Detoxify your body 

Here is what you get!

5 group Classes ● Complete 10 day cleanse with Little Green($89 value) ● Hundreds of recipes, food prep tips and support ● Individual coaching session ($50 value) ● Meditation & mindfulness training ● Guidance with setting and keeping goals ● Weekly themes and daily inspiration ● Restorative yoga ● Great community ● Education on restoration for well being ● Weekly raffle prizes ● And more!

In person meetings will be Sunday October 14 and November 4 from 2-3:30 at Flow on 14th. Virtual Meetings will be Sunday evenings at 5pm. Have to miss a meeting? Don’t worry! You will get a summary of each meeting plus a recording of the virtual sessions.

After the 30 days, I was amazed at how much stronger I felt — not just physically, but mentally as well. The structure of the challenge with our weekly supported me in maintaining my focus and drive. Long term, I have found I grew more from the challenge than I could have imagined, reaping many benefits in both my personal and professional life. Even more, I found that I grew spiritually from the leadership that Michael and his team provided. - David C.


Q:  I will not be able to participate in all of the in person sessions, can I still join?

A: Absolutely!   You will get summaries and worksheets emailed to you for all sessions, plus recordings of virtual sessions.     

Q: I have special dietary restrictions

A: No problem - the Challenge is designed to meet you where ever you are at.  Christy, our certified health coach, will give you lots of options and can work with you to find food options that work for you.

Q: I have a busy schedule, do I have to workout or practice at Flow during the challenge?

A: No!  We know life is busy, so while a yoga practice is a great option, most important is to find ways to move your body every day.  Perhaps  you walk to work or take a run - or practice at home.

Feel free to email with any other questions (

Your Challenge Team

Michael Danzansky

I started facilitating challenges 7 years ago because I loved the idea of providing a structure for personal growth and self discovery.  As a yoga teacher and somatic coach, I saw time again the efficiency and effectiveness of simultaneously engaging the body and mind to make meaningful life changes.  By having a structure to support a shift in our routines I have witnessed how we can more clearly see what habits support how we want to live in the world.    

MIchael Danzansky

What I love about these Challenges is that they are accessible to all ages and levels of experience - because we each start exactly where we are.  After leading many groups of people through this challenge and consistently seeing breakthroughs and lasting successes, I can tell you that if embraced, this structure works.   30 days is time to give rise to something new in yourself, and enough time to begin to have it become a habit in your body. We are here to give you the structure, support and encouragement to succeed.  

My experience draws from my own path and includes: yoga Buddhism, Christian Mysticism, Family Constellation work, and Indigenous African Ritual and Wisdom with Malidoma Some.   I have a Master’s degree in Philosophy and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies, and was certified as a Somatic Coach with the Strozzi Institute in 2012.  I also bring 25 years of practical experience from running a successful business as a Financial Planner and Consultant.

Hugh Byrne, PhD


Hugh is a senior teacher with the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW) and a leading expert in the field of mindfulness and positive habit change. Hugh has practiced meditation for 30 years and completed a four-year meditation teacher training program with Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein and other senior Insight Meditation teachers in 2000. Hugh also teaches Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and completed training in Somatic Experiencing, a mind-body approach to healing trauma.

Hugh has a law degree from London University and a PhD from UCLA, and worked for more than two decades in the field of human rights and social justice. He is the lead meditation teacher in the Garrison Institute’s Contemplative-Based Resilience (CBR) training for Syrian refugee aid workers in Jordan.

Hugh is the author of The Here-and-Now Habit and teaches classes and retreats in the Washington, DC, area, throughout the United States and internationally. He is also a popular teacher on Insight Timer, with 20+ meditations for you to listen to!

Christy Halvorson Ross


I’m super excited to share my love of good food with you. We are so lucky that the foods that are most nutritious for us–plant-based foods–are so delicious, irresistible, and adaptable. They can be found at your local farmer’s market, in your urban garden, or at your grocery store. With a little cooking & prep practice you can find yourself enjoying fruits and vegetables and legumes and grains more often than you did before. Your body will thank you, and so will our planet.

I love learning about the nutrients in food, and how each food benefits your body. In the cleanses that I lead, I’ll tell you some of my favorite things these foods can do for you. I love experimenting with recipes, and during my cleanses you can expect a new recipe every day, one that has been created and tinkered with and photographed in my own kitchen.

I became interested in nutrition years ago, when my son developed an adverse reaction to artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, or nitrates. Our family’s diet changed overnight, for the better. Almost simultaneously, I began helping a parent through cancer. I believe that the nutritional choices we made for my mom, and the green juice that she drank daily, added years onto her life. I have been preoccupied with cancer and nutrition research for the last 10+ years, and strongly believe nutrition can change the course of your health for the better, starting today. My family drinks green juice every morning, soaks our grains, and eats a primarily plant-based and always organic diet. We grow almost all of the greens for our green juice in our own urban garden beside our house. We visit our local farmer’s market every weekend and are obsessed with composting. Two of us are pescatarians, and two of us are very careful omnivores. We feel GREAT and are so excited about it, and want you to feel your best, too.

In July 2012, I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC as a holistic Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. I am certified through the Association of Drugless Practitioners. In February 2012, I also received my Raw Foods Certification from The Raw Food Institute, and am experienced in Raw Foods diets and the immense health benefits they offer. I am a self-taught but enthusiastic & experimental chef, recipe developer, and food photographer.

I have led over 1,000 people through my online cleanse programs over the last five years, and I’m excited to share this healthy way of eating with you and your family and friends.

Catherine Zack

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With an undergraduate degree in Political Science from New York University and a juris doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania and several years of practicing corporate "big law," Catherine originally connected to her yoga practice as a way to balance the effects of a fast-paced, high-stakes professional life. Over the last decade, yoga has shifted from something Catherine "went to" after work at the law firm or "did" on her mat on the weekends, to the subtle, but always flowing, undercurrent of her life. Today you can find her teaching yoga & meditation Flow Yoga Center, where she is the Co-Director of Teacher Training, leading wellness workshops and retreats all over the world with her husband Sam Breschi, writing on, and mothering her sweet one-year-old son Lou. Catherine received her 200-hour teacher training at Flow Yoga Center as well as her 300-hour Prana Vinyasa training with Jess Lazar, Greg Marzullo, Shawn Parell, Chanel Luck and Simon Park. She received her prenatal yoga teacher training through the Khalsa Way with Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa at the Golden Bridge Kundalini Yoga Center.

Catherine’s teaching style: Catherine’s classes are offered in the Prana Vinyasa style -- a liberated, creative, and full-spectrum flow, supported by an intelligent structure. In navigating the balance between sthira and sukha (effort and ease) in the unfolding of her own practice, life, love, and work, Catherine offers space for her students to explore yoga as a healing and regenerative force. Catherine's classes are an invitation to slow down, cultivate a quieter space, and receive the benefits of yoga as an integrated and embodied practice.


What People Are Saying:

Rachel Meyer

Rachel Meyer

The Challenge was a wonderfully life-affirming experience. It gave me the gentle boost I needed to make lifestyle changes I aspire to, but sometimes struggle with, like meditating regularly and cutting out sugar. The ongoing group support sessions and Michael's personal coaching made me feel inspired, understood, and motivated.

If you're looking to make positive changes in your life, but are not sure exactly where to start, or maybe feel a little alone, I'd highly recommend this program.Michael is a skilled coach, a compassionate, mindful leader, and a really cool human. You'll be glad you did.


Amidst the encouragement of a supportive and inspiring group of fellow challengers, I was able to explore the different variables of the 30 day challenge to better understand my own temperament and moods. I began to realize just how habit-fueled my weeks had become and how many 'decisions' were simply products of my past conditioning. By the end of the challenge, I not only felt physically and emotionally uplifted, but I felt a newfound sense of possibilities that I had not experienced in the past. This shift I experienced would not have been possible without Michael as an excellent facilitator and leader. He is genuinely passionate about exploring what's possible for people. - Tray M

I participated in the 30 Day Body Mind Challenge because I was searching for tools to help kick start my exercise and meditation routine. We had outstanding guest speakers, and it was motivating to have group goals set each week that you and your colleagues were held accountable for. Being part of a group also created an atmosphere where you could share your struggles and accomplishments and were met without judgement and with compassion and encouragement. - Caroline A.

Working with Michael and the 30-Day Challenge opened my mind to exploring the new possibilities of both the here and now as well as the future. The elements of the challenge cultivated my willingness to take action to improve my health, as well as create changes to improve the quality of my professional life.  - Dr. Pauline M

The Challenge was a great experience - it help me reset my excise habits and enabled me to acquire new meditation and nutrition habits. I found teachers to be well qualified and helpful, and most important for me, approachable ... giving us the impression we were accepted for who we are, not who we should be. Ashley H.

Overall, I feel so much better.  Drinking less coffee, lost 7 pounds and felt healthier.  My kids even got involved and motivated me to be more healthy. Thank you Challenge! - John T.

I am so glad I did this Challenge!  I lost about 10 pounds and feel great.  I also got over the hump' by making meditation regular- something I’ve striven for for a long time. -Jennifer H

I am excited to continue meditating, and making it a regular component of my lifestyle to see what other benefits the practice provides! -Betsy K.